The song you are listening to is not an example of Jazzola's music. It is just a song about Jazzola, and as we reflect on lyrics such as:
'Old men who are out of step, find Jazzola gives them pep'
Jazzola helps to 'Pep' things up as Jazzola did around the turn of the previous century, when this song was written.

Heptune presents:


    (Al M. Kendall, J. Russel Robinson, Theodore Morse)

Transcribed from Lieut. Jim Europe's 369th U.S. Infantry ("Hell Fighters") Band, vocals by Noble Sissle, recorded March 14, 1919.
From James Reese Europe and the 369th US Infantry "Hell Fighters" Band, Featuring Noble Sissle, the Complete Pathe Recordings - 1919, IAJRC CD 1012, 1996.

Come, jazzers, gather 'round,Photo of Jim Europe
Jazz lovers from every town,
I've got something that I'd like to introduce you to,
It's new!
It's got a funny name
That's sure to win its fame;
With your kind attention
I will mention
Its many charms to you:

They call it "Jazzola!"
Nobody knows its origination,
It's just a dance full of syncopation,
And if you crave a new sensation,
Come with me,
You will see,
Strange sights from the land of harmony!
Old folks and young folks cry for Jazzola!
It's like a tonic, take it with each meal;
How good you'll feel!
My old granddad heard the news,
Dropped his cane for dancing shoes!
The whole world's going crazy 'bout Jazzola!

Just take your sweetie sweetPhoto of Noble Sissle
Out for a Jazzola treat,
And she'll love you like she never did before;
What's more,
No need of fine wine,
You'll have a much better time,
Get those jazz musicians,
Choice positions
To play it o'er and o'er!

Just ask for "Jazzola!"
Nobody knows its origination,
It's just a dance full of syncopation,
And if you crave a new sensation,
Come with me,
You will see,
Strange sights from the land of harmony!
Old folks and young folks cry for Jazzola!
It's like a tonic, take it with each meal;
How grand you'll feel!
Old men who are out of step
Find Jazzola gives them pep;
The whole world's going crazy 'bout Jazzola!


Old folks and young folks cry for Jazzola!
It's like a tonic, taken with each meal;
How good you'll feel!
Eepa Sa-ap Eepa Sa-ap Eepa sap a lla
(Old men who are out of step)
Eepa Sa-ap Eepa Sa-ap Eepa sap a lla
(Find Jazzola gives them pep;)

The whole world's going crazy 'bout Jazzola!

J-A-Z-Z-O-L-A, Jazzola!
Some Jazz